Audiobook: Becoming a Master


What does Archangel Michael have to say to light workers on Earth right now? Well as all ways he has his own way of putting it.

Listen to this channelled book and let it be your guide. Open up to a profound galatic connection and experience the unexplored potential of your soul and your master energy.





Becoming a Master – Your Soul´s Potential and Galactic Consciousness

Channelled book with powerful activations


You and all other people have a soul and a soul consciousness. Most people, however, are connected to only a small part of their soul without benefiting from the great potential of the soul’s master energy and your galactic awareness.

Besides humorous and profound wisdom form archangels, masters and star beings, the energy in this book will give you an energy boost. The book is full of light activation for you and your energy body. When you sit with the book in your hands, and when you read it, you will be embarking on a journey into your master energy and your vast potential as a lightworker on earth.

“BECOMING A MASTER” is a channelled book for all curious-minded souls that are on a spiritual search and want to experience the great unexplored potential of their soul.
The book will help you to achieve this by showing you how easy it is for you to connect with angels, archangels, masters and star energies that are available to all of us.
Throughout the book, there are exercises and suggestions on how you can raise your energy, increase the amount of light entering your body, and activate YOUR unique master energy. An energy which is an extension of your soul and a consciousness that is even greater than you could possibly imagine.

Do not worry if you are not sure what type of energies archangels, masters and star beings are. Rest assured – you are going to meet them in the course of this book. They will bring you light, soul awakening and transformation, preparing you for a new and enlightening era in a spirit of co-creation and heart energy.

By awakening the potential of your soul, you will be able to access and experience all the wisdom of your soul – and not just parts of it. You can then access its full power within your energetic body and your whole luminous being.

Let this channelled book be your guide and open up to this connection and experience the unexplored potential of your soul and your master energy.


A very beautiful and wild experience… which I had a hard time believing happened.
It has an energy that is indescribable, it is alive and speaks to me… the authors are too wild…
So, thank you so much for sending it out into the universe so it could just land between my hands.
– Mette Snoghøj

Unbelievable that you can write the book so down-to-earth about a not so down-to-earth topic.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on your MASTERPIECE.
– Ellen Therese Rasmussen


About the Authors

We are Line Rune Balling and Louise Sofia Roerbech. Together we have founded The Angel School. We want to help you unfold the full potential of your soul so you can spread even more light in yourself and thereby in others.
We channel and heal with the archangels, masters, star beings. These high-vibrating energies help you, and the earth’s ascension to light, love, and oneness.
Maybe you already feel like a lightworker, maybe you feel more like a beginner. We have offers for everyone who wants to receive channeled healing and get more in touch with the angels, masters and star beings.
We are the authors of the book: BECOMING A MASTER and the channelled carddeck: GALACTIC WISDOM

More details:

Authors: Louise Sofia Rørbech og Line Rune Balling

Narrated by Madeline Star

Language:  English

Translated by: Denker Media

Listening length: 6 hours and 43 minutes

Published by: Angel School Publishing – “”

Audible release date: December 1, 2021


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